Saturday, December 6, 2008

Becoming a Vision Alchemist

They say the definition of Alchemy is changing one element into another. That is what I do when I use the Law of Attraction--changing the thing I don't want into the thing I do want. Using the Law of Attraction is a wonderful tool and it's free. I have always used it, it was available to me as the water I drink or the air I breathe. Of course being conscious on how I use it is another story. If I am feeling angry and I keep focusing on that feeling or emotion, it turns into an anger magnet and I attract more situations to stay in that angry space. The moment I draw my attention to a different feeling, joy, laughter, radiance--then I have become the alchemist changing my anger vibration into the new vibration. I become that new vibration and it is more light hearted, freedom-imbodiment and empowering. I see my new choices and allow the Law of Attraction to send me that.

you may ask what do I use the Law of Attraction-or LOA for? Well, everything. I use the LOA to give me the perfect seat on Bart and other forms of transportation I use on a daily basis. I use the LOA to send me a funny situation when I take life too seriously. I ask the LOA to send me something beautiful to look at when I am feeling in contrast to who I am.

Sometimes I will ask the LOA to send me information for an art project I am working. I am learning how to do collage and 3D mixed media art work. I was making a Christmas present for a friend and I had never done this work before. So I aske the LOA to send me info and resources so I could put the project together with ease and grace. I started getting directed to going on certain websites that gave me the information I needed to complete certain steps of the project. Sometimes I would wake up to a vision on how to proceed on a certain step. It took me 4 days from start to finish. And it looks great. I will send a picture of the project after Christmas so I don't give away the present to my friend.

I also wanted to find some beautiful, but cost effective things for Christmas gifts and I found all the things I need to make some very beautiful spa gifts. I can buy most of the supplies at a discount store and make something that looks like I paid 10 times the amount, but it will look very abundant and opulent looking . The thing to keep in mind with the Law of Attraction, you have to match the vibrations with what you want so if you want a new car with a sun roof, wonderful sound system, warming seats, a GPS navigation device, great gas mileage, etc., you have to be vibrating to the exact frequency, so to speak, to the car you want to attract into your life and the LOA will match up all the resources so you can have you bright, new, shiny car.

For that to happen you may have to start changing your vibration because if you want that bright new shiny car but you are vibrating to a car that is old, shabby, and used because that is what you believe that is all you can have the LOA will be just as happy to attract that into your life as well. So in order to attract the exact car, you have to learn to vibrate to that frequency. Become familiar with that vibration. Talk to the car dealers, and do some test drives in that car, you are now adjusting and raising your vibration to feel what it is like to drive your perfect car. Talk to people who have the kind of car you want to feel what their vibration is for you to focus on. The more you do these things, the easier it will become to focus on having this car because it is no longer foreign to you. Before you know it the LOA will align will all the resources you need to be driving this special car.

Still feel that this is just a far off dream? There are some books that will help you to learn to focus on the things you want and raise your vibrations to that frequency. One is called, "Money and the Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks. The first part of the book talks about how to pivot your experiences that keep you vibrating to a level that keeps you in the contrast of what you want. it is very powerful and once you get the hang of it, you will start realizing how you can bring in all the things you want, including the perfect car you have always wanted to drive. Another good book, that I still use the exercises when I am coaching my clients is called "The Law of Attraction, by Michael Lossier. He was an NLP practitioner and uses these principles to teach you the steps in a way your brain can recieve the information and reprogram your inner messages to change and then you will start seeing you become a Vision Alchemist too.

Don't just take my word for it. Start experimenting with using the LOA consciously. Here is a quick exercise to start using the LOA right away to direct you on the right path. Ask the LOA to send you information that will show you exactly how to use the LOA for your highest good. Since it information is the easiest way to attact, start with that and see what happens. Become your own Vision Alchemist. It will change your life and you too can walk through the door to your own abundant and prosperous life.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Shift Begins

I have been on my spiritual path for most of my life. Yes, I always knew I was protected by some source, but I wasn't always aware of my guides. It wasn't until a series of events that took place in my mid-30's that I knew there was more to life than the physical senses. I am a big fan of Sonia Coquette's books and teachings,--and her books "Trust Your Vibes" and "True Balance" have been a big help in learning to keep my balance amongst chaos in my life. I have been in retail for the last 10 years of my life and I really enjoy the work. I meet a lot of people and love to help assist them to find the perfect products or lend a supportive ear when the situation arises. And because I have learned how to keep present in my body and stay grounded when I feel someone is trying to invade my space--I have many good customer interactions. I am happy to meet the challenge of someone who may come to me in the form of "difficult" because it is a good test to see how well, I am in balance or what I still need to learn.

The other big help that has come to me in the last two years was finding a process of living in the present and learning to change my life experiences by what I am thinking about and putting my focus on--it is called using the Law of Attraction deliberately. I say deliberately because the Law of Attraction or LOA as I call it is a spiritual law that everyone uses from the time we are born in our physical bodies to when we pass through from our earth walk to the spiritual side.

Basically the Law of Attraction is what ever we put on attention on, we call or attract into our life. Our thoughts become vibrations and the vibrations match what experiences we are pulling in. So we can say that anger is made up of a certain vibration and if we become angry and stay focused on that feeling, we will soon attract other experiences to keep matching our feelings of anger. The same holds true if we are having a joyous or humorous experience--if we keep feeling the vibration of joy or laughter, the LOA will keep sending that to us until we change our focus to something else.

That is why some days you feel like you have won life's lottery and other days you may be feeling you are designing new ways to be living Murphy's Law (everything that can go wrong, does go wrong). If you look back to a previous day and either good or bad, and you recall the kind of day you had, you can bet that you were thinking up the thoughts that made up the vibrations you were attracting. And your life experiences can change on the turn of a dime.

One story I share in my workshops and consultations is the one day I was just opening the doors at the store I work at. I was standing at the register area and I started listening to a very angry, frustrated voice. His anger was so intense I was starting to get angry and I couldn't even hear the exact words he was using. My fear was starting to grow--he is going to scare the customers away, what if the person he is talking at gets as angry as he is, will I have to intervene? Then I took a step back, and realized if I want a more positive experience outside I need to change my focus on the situation. So I asked myself--what do I want right now? I want to feel peaceful. So I started visualizing feeling calm, I stared imagining the person calming down and putting a light around that feeling within minutes I heard the anger in this person's voice get calmer and heard him say "I'm sorry I got angry, I just had to vent" and he walked away. I changed my focus from frustration and fear to calm and the LOA brought it to me.

Another time I was commuting to work on a Sunday, and the Bart system was slowing down for 2 reasons--one, it was doing some repairs on the trace and two, there was an irrational passenger they were trying to get to move away from the tracks at a Bart station a mile down. The agent came on and said we may be delayed by 25 minutes. Well, I knew I was going to be really late. I called my fellow co-worker and let her know that I may be late and I would get there as soon as I could. Then I got off the phone and again asked "What do I want?" I want to get to work at a reasonable time. I want peace for everyone I am sharing this journey with today. I took a deep relaxing breath and went back to working on my laptop. Within 5 minutes, the agent came on the speaker and said that the incident was resolve and we can resume normal operations. Because I changed my focus to better feeling thoughts in these two experiences, my life continued to stay in balance.

I use the LOA every day for everything--having happy accidents, enjoying my 4-legged kids, finding good parking when I go shopping, finding all the things I need at the store for a good price. Getting a delicious Latte from Peets Coffee.When I wanted to get a smaller laptop to do my writing one that was light weight, good battery life and was pleasing for me when I used it, I had the inspiration to get on Ebay, at 12 midnight and lo and behold I found the perfect laptop for a good price. I now use it joyously every where I go. Because of the size and the feel of the key board it inspires me to keep writing--I call it my muse machine.

One evening I was hosting a special event at my store. At these events, we don't receive our hourly wage, it is done on commission. I asked the LOA to send people I could connect with and we all have a fun time with a lot of laughter and I want to make at least $100. I made $126 that night for one hours work. How fun is that.?

So yes, you can use it for everything--relationship resolve issues, increasing your income, good health, a new car , even where did I leave my keys this time (I have a menopausal brain). Absolutely anything you can imagine, you can have the LOA attract it to you.

So in this blog I am going to share my experiences on how the LOA works in my life every single day. I would also like to hear how the LOA is working in your life. And if you want in changing something in your life, let me know. If you have these questions, you can bet other people do also. We can help each other.
Coming up: The Basic Steps